As I mentioned before somewhere, I'm currently in grad school. At some point after I graduated from undergrad with a degree in This Won't Do Me Any Good, I realized the job I had, I'd been working for 6 years and there was really no where to go with it. I liked the people I worked for and I liked what I did (most of the time) but it wasn't what I wanted to do long term and I was just ... not going anywhere.
So I sat down, thought about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go and that led me to grad school and getting another degree. An MBA with a concentration in digital media to be super specific.
I had been out of school for close to three years by the time I decided I wanted to go back, which isn't as long as some people wait to continue their education I know, but it was long enough for me to go "Paper? What's all that about?". Writing academically after three years of, well,
not required this massive shift in my brain (probably for the better. I'm assuming its for the better). It wasn't that I hadn't wrote a lot in undergrad, I had, I just conveniently forgot the really frustrating and difficult parts of undergrad. Suppression of bad memories I think it is.
Anyways, so now I have just finished my first semester of grad school. 1 semester, 2 quarters, 6 classes and damn. It has been simultaneously, the most awesome experience as well as the most humbling. Pretty sure I lived more at the library this past semester than my own apartment (I was debating having my mail re-routed).
With the exception of accounting, which is and will remain my nemesis, I found the classes more interesting than I ever had expected business school to be. I had assumed business was very cut and dry and very
boring and I'm sure in some cases, okay yes. It can be cut and dry in places but it certainly isn't
boring. And I found I have a knack for media relations and marketing which was an awesome thing to find (especially as I really
liked both of those classes as well).
For now it is winter break which means all those websites I wanted to look at and 12 million books I wanted to read I can actually
do now. Also means I get to catch up on the sleep I've missed due to over-caffeination. Next semester will come soon enough but now at least I know what I'm dealing with.