Thursday, December 26, 2013


{100 of the best books, movies, TV shows and games in no particular order}

So, in honor to yesterday's regeneration, I need to take a moment to talk about one of the best TV shows ever, Doctor Who (for those of you only vaguely familiar with the concept please note it is DOCTOR Who and not Dr. Who. This is a very important point).

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy New Doctor Eve everyone!

I hope everyone is, by this point, off from work and snuggled up at home. Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I hope everyone is enjoying having time off from work or school at least. 

Right now I'm at my parents new house in the middle of nowhere. Coming from growing up in a city and then moving to ANOTHER city this country thing is still very new to me. It gets very, very dark here. But being at home has it's advantages: 

(Cake is always an advantage.)

It isn't my best decorating effort but I haven't had the opportunity to cake decorate since my move. The hand is a bit rusty and the flowers are a bit off but the best thing is it will still taste awesome. Even the ugliest cake decoration tastes great. 

So Merry Festivus and Happy Holidays and have an amazing day off doing whatever you do tomorrow. I will be enjoying new Doctor Who. ;)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Grad School Chronicles Volume 1

As I mentioned before somewhere, I'm currently in grad school. At some point after I graduated from undergrad with a degree in This Won't Do Me Any Good, I realized the job I had, I'd been working for 6 years and there was really no where to go with it. I liked the people I worked for and I liked what I did (most of the time) but it wasn't what I wanted to do long term and I was just ... not going anywhere.

So I sat down, thought about what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go and that led me to grad school and getting another degree. An MBA with a concentration in digital media to be super specific.

I had been out of school for close to three years by the time I decided I wanted to go back, which isn't as long as some people wait to continue their education I know, but it was long enough for me to go "Paper? What's all that about?". Writing academically after three years of, well, not required this massive shift in my brain (probably for the better. I'm assuming its for the better). It wasn't that I hadn't wrote a lot in undergrad, I had, I just conveniently forgot the really frustrating and difficult parts of undergrad. Suppression of bad memories I think it is.

Anyways, so now I have just finished my first semester of grad school. 1 semester, 2 quarters, 6 classes and damn. It has been simultaneously, the most awesome experience as well as the most humbling. Pretty sure I lived more at the library this past semester than my own apartment (I was debating having my mail re-routed).

With the exception of accounting, which is and will remain my nemesis, I found the classes more interesting than I ever had expected business school to be. I had assumed business was very cut and dry and very boring and I'm sure in some cases, okay yes. It can be cut and dry in places but it certainly isn't boring. And I found I have a knack for media relations and marketing which was an awesome thing to find (especially as I really liked both of those classes as well).

For now it is winter break which means all those websites I wanted to look at and 12 million books I wanted to read I can actually do now. Also means I get to catch up on the sleep I've missed due to over-caffeination. Next semester will come soon enough but now at least I know what I'm dealing with.

Monday, December 16, 2013

100 of MY FAVORITE BOOKS, MOVIES, TV SHOWS AND GAMES: #1 Dr. Horribles Sing-A-Long Blog

{100 of the best books, movies, TV shows and games}

We're going to start this blogging thing off on an interesting note. First real post (we're not counting that introduction, that doesn't say much right? Not much outside of "Hi, so this is me" anyways) says a lot about a person and indeed the first position of a 100 list is the top spot of what they find important. Lot of credibility is riding on this post and that is just too much pressure honestly. So we'll go with this. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How Do You Do, We'll Shake Hands

Welcome to anyone who has fallen down the rabbit hole (or wormhole for that matter) to this blog. I figure the best way to start this off is with an introduction of sorts. So let's kick this off.

Hi, I'm Megan. I am a twenty-something geeky dog lover. I've recently just moved to Austin, TX where I am going to grad school to get my MBA in Digital Media. Before Austin I lived in Washington D.C. for 11 years, going to school and working for a small family owned business where I got to work with dogs all day. When I say I am a dog lover, I mean I am that person that will acknowledge your dog before you and will speak to them in that weird dog voice. Yeah, that's me.

I love science fiction. Farscape, Doctor Who, Stargate, X-Files... I love all of it. Also a fan of fantasy as well so Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Just a big, big nerd here and very proud of that. I go to cons, I enjoy cosplay (though honestly, I really do suck at sewing. It's comical), I go to that midnight showing of The Hobbit (complete with my own version of Sting).

I love actual science. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is my favorite astrophysicist (and if you don't like him you are wrong) and will watch just about any and every science documentary I can get my hands on on Netflix. Also, I got my undergrad degree in history so I tend to be a pretty big history nerd (especially British history, holy crap the amount of random knowledge I have on that could win a jeopardy category).

Currently accounting is my nemesis (don't tell me it is just debits and credits it is so much more than that!) and if you understand how it works I'm pretty sure you're a wizard. I have a sidekick in a tiny, fluffy dog who has an obsession with stuffed bison and tennis balls. And I survive on coffee and the occasional breakfast taco.

So nice to meet you.