Today in ridiculously amazing things I need to own, I bring you an amazing idea from Think Geek. I am an addict on their site and if I had my way, I'd probably try to own just about everything they have up for sale. As my bank account tauntingly reminds me that no, I can't do that, I am reduced to just window shopping on their site but oh-- is it worth it!
While looking around at their new collections I found these amazing things:
If these don't bring you joy, then I can't help you.
Not just dog slippers, K-9 slippers and my Whovian heart just grew three more times. Oh! They are adorable and look so warm that I may have to add them to next month's wish list (not to mention, I'm pretty sure the plush head will drive my mother's dog crazy and that will just be an added bonus of fun for me).
If you're like me and love these foot warmers and desperately need to get yourself a pair, head over here while they are still in stock!
Springtime in Texas is a gorgeous thing. There may be parts about living in this state that I am not a fan of (mosquitos the size of horses I am looking at you) but what I do love? Springtime!
While it never gets cold enough here to have the trees die in winter and bloom back to life like much of the east coast does. Washington D.C. (my previous locale) even had a corner on spring with their gorgeous cherry blossom trees and Cherry Blossom Festival (if you live near DC and haven't experienced it you really need to! It's almost over!). But despite all of these lovely spring events, central Texas does have it beat in my opinion.
The nice thing about The Lord of the Rings is that if done right, it can be 6 different entries! For this one, we're just doing Fellowship of the Ring the movie version. We'll get to the other 5 versions at another time.
But really. Life is crazy and I just had a recent one on one showdown with my arch nemesis Accounting. It was touch and go for both of us but I fear I may have been the loser in this battle. Alas.
Additionally SXSW is just about to start which means running around putting schedules together and planning meetings and making sure everything is perfect for a 9 day "What the hell is sleep? I don't need sleep I have coffee!" extravaganza! (I'm putting my coffee in IV form for convenience of toting it around and quickness into the bloodstream.)
Because of these things the two posts I have are still in drafts because they are epic and awesome and apparently I can not focus when trying to do 683, 000 things. It is something I'm working on.
In the meantime, while I procrastinate on those posts and lose sleep at SXSW, lets all watch this viral video and giggle:
video by: artistwithouttalent Link to video here:
I mentioned a bit ago that I was working on this project but hadn't finished it. Well, I just did the other day and holy crap it was a project and a half. Let me preface everything by saying, I'm not the most crafty of people. I would love to say I am and I usually have awesome ideas but my ability to follow through and have them look like how I want? Yeah not so much. However, as grad school drives me into a slow form of madness brought on by debits and credits, I find my creativity needing to come out somehow (you can only make debits and credits and amortization so creative after all). Enter this project stage left.
My grandfather was a big trunk collector. He liked to pick them up cheap at flea markets and garage sales in various conditions and then take his time to revitalize them and turn them back to how gorgeous they were. He hasn't done any trunk restoration lately but my mother still has some of his earlier projects and a few of the trunks he picked up and I was able to play with one of them.
There are multiple ways to seal and restore trunks and many different How-To's online for those. I decided to go with a (what I thought was) very simple route and stick with fabric. To start, you need:
I've been a pole dancer for almost two years now. I've had to take some time off every so often due to grad school sometimes so I haven't got the hang of everything just yet (my descending angel could use a lot of work, let me tell you) but there are things I've begun learning just about BEING a pole dancer that has nothing to do with spins and climbs and tricks on the pole.
The first and foremost is bruising. Oh god the bruising. My first instructor, Michelle, was amazing and wonderful at getting my class started in the wonderful ways of pole dancing. She explained that we would get bruises and often and that they would become like battle wounds. I didn't really know what she meant until a few weeks later and I had a dark purple bruise blossoming on my arm.
I found the longer I worked at something the sooner the bruise would leave as my skin grew tougher and more accustomed to the contact with the pole. Still. Two years in I still have my share of battle wounds.
The first two pictures are of the inside of my right arm. I've been working on my flying body spiral and wide leg splay, both of which use a lot of arm contact to the pole. The third picture is the top of my right foot, also bruising from climbing up and down the pole.
My legs are also in protest due to my attempt at a bottle rocket that just won't go. I won't even bother with pictures of that one though. Eventually the skin will get used to it and the bruises will fade and my flying body spiral will be awesome and I will climb up the pole like no big deal and my bottle rocket will be gorgeous and flawfree. And then of course, I will learn something new and will have new battle wounds to contend with and explanations to give to other people but, that's another day.
I don't think this is really a thing I've discussed here on this blog yet but I like shopping. Sort of how my dog likes playing ball. Which means obsessively while ignoring all other external factors and do not try to pet me while I am focusing I am working here. This analogy may have got away from me.
In any case, I like shopping. I can not always actually do the shopping I want to do because bills and money and being a grad student. I find that having to pay bills severely depletes my run around and buy all the things budget.
In any case, here are a few things from my February Wishlist. Most are not things I will end up seeing in my apartment, but they are all awesome and things I have my eye on.
It seems like the more I have something to do, the more other things I find that need to be done. I have a paper due at midnight tomorrow? Oh well then my kitchen needs a significant deep cleansing! Accounting test Friday? I really need to try this new recipe! Marketing analysis on Netflix? Ooh I think I should re-line my trunk with new fabric!
(This last one I'm def doing right now)
(Pictures will be coming soon by the way)
In any case, my procrastination is both one of my worst features and one of my best. As much as I want to be one of those people who plan everything down to the hour and are able to get all sorts of productivity done, I'm not always good at it.
The upside to my frequent procrastination is that I find myself able to work really well under pressure. I've become very familiar with having a close deadline and getting my work done well and quickly to get it in. It's a skill that has become very useful and I'm sure will remain useful later. (Now if I could get the knack of that whole time management thing...)
So in the spirit of further procrastination, I'm curious to know what some of your favourite procrastination methods are? What do you guys like to do when you need to take up a bit of time? Or are you one of the people who are able to get your work done first and then spend your free time doing other things?
And of course, one last bonus from my procrastinating on the internet, my current favourite viral video going around now, Stormtrooper Secrets by ScottDW on youtube (if you haven't seen this yet, you must):
We are already mostly done with January, no idea when that happened, and I'm just beginning to look around and go "Oh right. Things to do." A 6-week long break from everything is nice in theory but bad in me being able to get things actually done.
I have all these well laid plans and they inevitably fly out the window in favour of staying on the couch, drinking coffee and watching netflix.
I hope you all had a great beginning of the new year and a good January, hah! I've had some awesome friends come and stay with me and the start to a new semester of my grad program. More accounting is on the way and that means its time for more of my super powers to deal with this once and for all. This is the last semester of it and then I am done with accounting and can proclaim my victory.
I have an awesome craft post I am putting together (the pictures are all being a bit squidgy) and I hope to have that up for everyone soon. In the meantime, please take a moment of your day and enjoy a bit of old school Community: